Did Piers Morgan Make More Than Six Thousand Posts On A David Icke Forum?
In early-March 2005, a forum called IckeDownload.com was started. It was run by someone named Harris, who was located in Toronto, Canada. By March 12th 2005, this forum had 22 registered users. By June 12th - a little over three months later - there were 1,016. At this time, there were thirteen identified 'forums' within the overall structure of the site's main page, as well as three forums dedicated to 'downloads'. IckeDownload.com, then, had four moderators - Harris, Timestretch, contrastiktion and Infinity, and was fast gaining new members.
By July 19th 2005 - six days before I joined - the number of registered users had risen to 2,113, and by October 13th of that first year, the number was 2,991. Shortly after that, the number of registered users passed the 3,000 mark, becoming 3,141 by the 26th of the month. During this period, on October 22nd, a man registered as a user, under the name King of the Mountain.
King of the Mountain had a personality that was different to others on the forum. His avatar was an animated gif in cartoon style, depicting a confrontation between Adolf Hitler and David Icke. The impression I had, and still have is that KOTM had paid someone to create this avatar for him - it certainly looked like the work of a professional.
The name King of the Mountain had been taken from the title of a comeback single release by Kate Bush - this song, itself, was inspired by Elvis Presley. According to Wikipedia, the Kate Bush single was issued on October 24th, 2 days after King of the Mountain joined the popular David Icke-aligned internet forum.
King of the Mountain sought to dominate the forum, posting mainly on the 'General Chatter' sub-forum, which was the most contributed to and read one. He targeted certain other users and effected a more-or-less bullying strategy against them. The most notable example of a user being subjected to this treatment concerned someone named 'John White'. King of the Mountain ridiculed his posts and referred to him as 'Bunty White', extending this name-changing, also, on occasion by one further letter replacing the 'B' at the start. In December 2006, a 3-page thread begun by King of the Mountain could be found in General Chatter, entitled... KOTM Presents : An open festive letter to Bunty White.
In addition to 'targeting' some forum members, KOTM also liked to stir things up with provocative commentary on David Icke, himself - the man who was the ostensible inspiration for the forum, and around whom a significant amount of discussion was based (albeit, probably a fairly small amount in proportional terms). General Chatter, in early-February 2007 contained a 2-page thread titled... KOTM : Officially Declares War on the David Icke Forum.
By this point, the forum seems to have been changed from being identified as IckeDownload.com to David Icke Forum, or simply 'The Forum'. It was also near the end of its existence. By February 25th 2007, there were 6,052 registered users, yet - despite this undeniable success - a message of March 4th appears to be the final epitaph. It reads:
Due to the recent and repeated spam / password attacks made against both the forum and certain users therin, the site will be temporally unavailable. Giving the nature of the situation, updates regarding the forum will be made via this medium only...
At some point during his membership of the Icke-aligned forum (from October 22nd 2005 onwards), the user known as King of the Mountain was identified as being Piers Morgan and he responded by admitting that he was.
His Viewing Profile has been preserved by the Internet Archive. The information on there includes a link to the animated gif that was used as his avatar. There also, is a link to a dancing Hitler animated gif. The dancing Hitler emoticon was introduced by KOTM to some (or, perhaps all) of his posts well along the way during his participation in the forum. There were emoticons available for use by members in their posts, and one of these was exceptionally good and charming - a dancing reptilian. KOTM's dancing Hitler was, I guess, inspired by the great dancing reptilian emoticon. As with the David Icke versus Hitler avatar, I suspect that KOTM (aka Piers Morgan) paid someone to make it for him.
The Viewing Profile, at the time captured by Internet Archive states the Total Posts made by King of the Mountain/Piers Morgan to have been 6,202 - a rate of 12.79 posts per day.
Aside from this forum user having admitted to being Piers Morgan - clearly something that any anonymous member on any forum could do - there are good reasons to conclude that this was the actual 'real' identity of KOTM.
The character of their posting was, as far as I can determine from memory and comparison entirely consistent with the man being Piers Morgan e.g.1 KOTM indicated at one time that he was familiar with the early turquoise press conference period of the David Icke public-facing trajectory. In that early time of controversy - 1991 - Piers Morgan was working for The Sun newspaper, and would have noted the reports in his own paper and others detailing David Icke's unusual activities. e.g.2 A post by someone of photographs they were responsible for, which seemingly showed some sort of military or other official interest in a crop formation (helicopter may have featured) was applauded by King of the Mountain, in a manner consistent with how a newspaper editor might have responded to a journalist working for them bringing a 'good story'.
A search on the Piers Morgan twitter account of the word 'king' strongly indicates that Piers Morgan is somewhat fixated with both himself and others being identified as such. Hitler also features quite prominently in his tweets, and there is an alleged photograph of him in a Nazi uniform that can be found on-line.
Although I don't recall the specific reason why 'King of the Mountain' was identified as being Piers Morgan on the forum (most likely, sometime in 2006), all of the factors stated here - and others - make it a near-certainty in my estimation that Piers Morgan was a member of this David Icke-inspired forum, posting quite prolifically under the user name: King of the Mountain.
'I Would Rather Have A Mind Opened By Wonder... Than One Closed By Belief'
IckeDownload.com, header quote