Saturday, April 23, 2016

Roswell :

Robert O. Anderson
and Corning Glass

The Twentieth Annual MUFON UFO Symposium, hosted by Nevada MUFON, took place in the Aladdin Hotel, Las Vegas, U.S.A., over three days - June 30th to July 2nd 1989. This information is provided on page 1
of the 233-page Symposium Proceedings, which also clearly states the Symposium Theme as THE UFO COVER-UP: A GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY?

Published contributions to this work are credited to:

Jennie Zeidman . Jacques Vallee, Ph.D . John E. Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro and Gregory Molenaar . Don Berliner . Stanton T. Friedman . Linda Moulton Howe . Timothy Good . Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D . Robert L. Oechsler with co-writer Debby Regimenti 

The last of these contributions details THE CHESAPEAKE CONNECTION: AN IMPLICATION OF CORPORATE INVOLVEMENT IN THE COVER-UP. It is 'Copyright 1989 by R.Oechsler' and contains numerous photos, press clippings and other illustrations, supplementing the basic textual statement - summarising over 87 pages a wide-ranging investigation carried out by 15 listed members of The Annapolis Research and Study Group (pg.155)... About whom it is stated (pg.154):

We began as a group of people interested in the UFO phenomenon who met at an Annapolis lecture given by Stanton T. Friedman and expanded to about twenty members within two months. Our group became an active network of observers and researchers and we found ourselves in the middle of extraordinary events...

A section of the report, under the heading ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, is printed on pages 162-164. The authors refer to 'ample evidence of flying saucer crashes' in New Mexico, in the summer of 1947, stating further that 'The Roswell Army Air Field... had chronicled involvement in the retrieval operations...' and that they could have needed a trusted friend, with whom they'd had prior dealings, to help them.
The authors direct their arrow of suspicion, in this regard, towards an 'oil man' (pg.162): of the most influential and powerful corporate controllers of the region... He arrived in Roswell from Chicago... and tapped into the rich Permian Basin to support the oil refinery he purchased in nearby Artesia. During the war years he supplied gas and oil to the numerous military posts that sprang up in the Southwest. He also supplied the diesel fuel for the bomb projects at Los Alamos... 

The information provided about this man includes this on page 163:

..former CEO of the sixth largest oil company in America still resides in Roswell, New Mexico. He also owns and operates a local oil company and the Diamond A Cattle Company...

This prominent oil man is the former Chairman and now Honorary President of The Aspen Institute, one of the most elite think tanks in the world with branches around the globe. It became a focus of our investigation when we learned that its primary operations were recently relocated from its original site in Colorado to the Chesapeake Bay's Eastern Shore of Maryland...

And, 34 pages later, in a section titled THE WYE & ASPEN INSTITUTES, we read:

..But suddenly it seemed time to investigate the Wye and Aspen Institutes.

Our preliminary research revealed that the Wye Institute is provincial in scope; dealing with the cultural, educational and agricultural issues of only one place in the world - Maryland's Eastern Shore. It is supported by Corning Glass and Dupont. We would learn later that Corning Glass is mentioned more than once in the biographical data one researcher has collected on the original MJ 12 members...

Our oil man from Roswell, New Mexico appears as the moving force behind the Aspen Institute with whom he has served as President, now Honorary President for decades. He appears to be a prime player in the role the corporations play in perpetuating the cover-up. Without the decades of help corporate America has provided, no cover-up could exist. Could the technologies received in exchange for government cooperation with aliens have been developed and applied for the benefit of society? This could only have been made possible with the cooperation and support of corporate America....

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Kodachrome Slides : Very Short Arms

'..The critter's arms don't appear to be long enough to scratch its ass without bending over... or asking a friend.

Below the small ribcage, there doesn't appear to be any digestive tracts or stomach. Therefore the proportionately large brain in that head is fuelled by psychic willpower and the lungs of a sparrow.

It's an alien.'

Kandinsky, February 9th 2015

[Source: The best image of the Kodachrome alien, so far (from Michael Mu)]

Six months after the BeWitness event, I received a package of UFO literature that I'd ordered from AFU Shop.

Reading through one of the periodicals in the package - the Winter 1977, Volume 6, no.4 edition of Awareness (a Contact (UK) publication) - I came across a report and basic sketch that were relevant to the unusual appearance of the figure in the two Kodachrome/Ray slides that had been the main subject of the BeWitness presentation, on May 5th.

The overall report by Jenny Randles is titled HIGH STRANGENESS ACTIVITY DURING THE U.K. WAVE OF 1977: UFOIN Progress Report no:2, and it takes up 3+ pages of the edition of Awareness:

May 18th 1977 New Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland
Investigated by Jenny Randles & Bryan Hartley

Two young girls near a housing estate heard a strange humming sound, which was also heard by other witnesses. Investigating further, they saw a disc-shaped object with a red light on top hovering over a fence by some woods. Near it on the ground, was a tall, thin-looking entity in a silvery suit with disproportionately short arms. The object subsequently took off in a stepped fashion, and disappeared. Ground traces were afterwards found in the woods close to where the object had hovered...

 The case was subsequently reported in much more detail in Flying Saucer Review Vol.23, No.4 (published January 1978), in an article by Jenny Randles, titled UFO AND ENTITY REPORTED FROM MORAYSHIRE.

In fact, I'd (probably) read this FSR article on more than one occasion during earlier years (pre-2015); but, my main interest had then been in the reported zigzag take-off of the craft, rather than the alien, or some other detail. Therefore, I'd not recalled the described physical appearance of the alien when the 2 Kodachrome/Ray creature photographs were released.

Here are the two paragraphs from Jenny Randles' second report that are most pertinent to the alien in this Scottish case, as observed by two 10-year-old girls - Karen McLennan and Fiona Morrison:

'..By the side of the object both girls insist that they saw a "man". He was hidden partially by the bushes but they were able to tell that he was tall and thin (it seems at least six feet in height) and seemed to be dressed all in silver. A vivid description from Karen was that he looked rather like a telegraph pole. (This means that the impression was that his arms were disproportionately short.)

Upon seeing this figure the girls became quite frightened. He then began to step out from the bushes and move towards them, and at this point they turned around and fled...'

From Jenny Randles' FSR report, specifically the witness statements, I infer that if there is any relationship between this tall, thin alien with very short arms and the Kodachrome/Ray/Mesa Verde figure - also, thin and with disproportionately short arms; but, very much shorter in height - then, this relationship is that of an adult to a child within a species.

Whether or not there is any such connection between the two figures, no one can now claim that aliens with very short arms had never been reported before 2015.

Anything is possible, it seems.